Usually, 281820 is the commonly used as activated alumina HS code in the world. The HS code of high purity activated alumina uses commonly 28182000. Another export code for the alumina industry is 69031000 when you use alumina as English name. Both codes have a tax rate of zero, and no commodity inspection is required in China.

And, the alumina product category Customs HS code 69032000 requires other refractory ceramic products with alumina content >50% (alumina content includes a mixture or compound of alumina and silica), English name Other refractory, ceramic goods containing by Weight more than 50% of alumina (AL2O3) or of a mixture of compound of alumina and of silica (SiO2), there is no tax refund.

We could consult the HS code as your coutry’s HS code requirement. But as we know. 281820 is the most accepted.

alumina extrude

alumina extrude

If you want to know more import and export about activated alumina, pseudo boehmite, alumina powder and alumina beads, please contact with us!


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