Environment Purification

Potassium permanganate impregnated activated alumina spheres

Xiangrun/Bairui’s XR2006®M Potassium permanganate impregnated activated alumina spheres, capable of removing hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, ethylene, formaldehyde, SOx, NOx is widely used for the corrosion control in industrial environments, clean rooms, general air purification and elimination of ethylene for control of ripening of fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Sodium permanganate impregnated activated alumina spheres.

XR2007®I impregnated activated alumina with NaMNO4 media is a high surface area activated alumina pellet, impregnated with Sodium permanganate during its manufacturing. The result is a chemical filter with highly enhanced performance in removing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Mercaptans. It is the three times than immersion KMNO4 impregnated activated alumina with immersion technology.


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