Xiangrun manufacture high quality Impregnated activated alumina for removal of H2S in ordor.

If you want to know Impregnated activated alumina for removal of H2S in ordor, please find us.

Impregnated activated alumina for removal of H2S in ordor could remove H2S 14-16% by weight.  There are 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% impregnated activated alumina with potassium permanganate and sodium permanganate. 

Xiangrun adopt mixed technology to manufacture impregnated activated alumina with potassium permanganate. Its technology is the world-class in the world.

How to distinguish good impregnated activated alumina?

  1. the color . The color in inside and outside is the same color.
  2. the even size . Even ball size
  3.  the life. The normal life is 1-2 years.
  4. pore volume. The bigger, the better
  5. low moisture. Less than 20% is well.
  6. plenty of content. LIke 8% impregnated activated alumina with potassium permanganate, more than potassium permanganate is necessary.

Zibo Xiangrun filtration media adopts mixing material technology, not immersion. The result is a chemical filter with enhanced performance in removing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Mercaptans, ethylene, as well as light organics from airstreams.


Avoid moisture, avoid scrolling, throw and sharp shocking during transportation, rainproof facilities should be readied..

It should be stored in dry and ventilated warehouse to prevent contamination or moisture.

impregnated activated alumina

impregnated activated alumina

Zibo Xiangrun filtration media adopts mixing material technology, not immersion. The result is a chemical filter with enhanced performance in removing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Mercaptans, ethylene, as well as light organics from airstreams.


Type Paper bag Paper Drum Steel Drum
Beads 25kg/55lb 25 kg/ 55 lb 150 kg/ 330 lb

If there are any questions on impregnated activated alumina, including application, welcome your visit. Our email is sales@aluminaadsorbents.com and international@xradsorbent.com


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