Tag Archives: chloride adsorbent

Zibo Xiangrun and Shandong Bairui professionally manufacture chloride purification-Activated alumina adsorbent. Where does chloride come from? Chlorides are introduced into the refinery flowsheet in several ways. Some crude sources can bring both inorganic and organic chloride content. Desalter processes and chemical additives are used to remove chlorides and prevent corrosion and fouling caused by these […]

Zibo Xiangrun professionally manufacture promoted alumina chloride adsorbent. Activated alumina as chloride adsorbent include promoted alumina and non-promoted alumina. Activated Alumina is defined by the formula Al2O3 – xH2O. Activated alumina is a highly porous solid with a surface area of >350 m2/g and total porosity of >0.45 cc/g. around the year 1970, non-promoted aluminas […]


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