Some people could not understand the transformations of pseudoboehmite alumina in different temperature. They always ask us several questions about temperature and alumina phase. In here we settle it in here.

Thermal conversion behavior of Pseudoboehmites is an important characteristic which defines properties of derived materials if those were subject to thermal exposure. In accordance with the classical alumina phase transition scheme as temperature increases Boehmite converts to γ-δ-θ-α.

Ambient temperature spectrum is characteristic of alumina pseudoboehmite phase which remains stable at least up to 250–300 °C. Transition into gamma (γ) occurs in 450–500 °C region and high purity gamma phase is obtained after calcining at up to 700 °C. Increasing temperature to 900 °C results in formation of delta (δ) phase. Above 1100 °C alpha-phase dominates (traces of theta (θ) could be visible depending on exact temperature used).

Alumina is a very interesting material. There are several types and phase. So, welcome talk alumina with you together!

Transformation of alumina

Transformation of alumina



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