Our company professionally produce all kinds of activated alumina used in catalyst, adsorbent in petrochemical and gas industry. We are activated alumina supplier in China in hydrogen peroxide production, catalyst carrier and desiccant. We also a alumina supplier in petrochemical industry in chloride adsorbent, sulfur adsorbent. If you want to find professional activated alumina supplier  in […]

The process of lithium-ion battery to get  better rechargeable energy maybe cloudy, but there is an alumina lining! Nano alumina powder for battery could help lithium-ion battery better! A slim layer of the metal oxide applied lead to batteries that are better geared towards electric cars and more robust off-rid energy storage. Some has 3nm layer of […]

Some people could not understand the transformations of pseudoboehmite alumina in different temperature. They always ask us several questions about temperature and alumina phase. In here we settle it in here. Thermal conversion behavior of Pseudoboehmites is an important characteristic which defines properties of derived materials if those were subject to thermal exposure. In accordance […]


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